Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Blog Tour: Beyond Her Calling + Author Interview

Kellyn is a newer author friend of mine and I recently had the privilege to beta-read this book. It was a great book and I loved it! Not only that, but Kellyn also answered a few questions from me. Be sure to check out everything, especially the interview and the giveaway!

About the Book

At twenty, Ivy Knight feels as if she hasn’t accomplished anything of worth. Her life stretches on before her, empty and pointless. Though her faith in God and her mental abilities have been strengthened, she still doubts herself. Does God have a purpose for a socially awkward, often confused and frightened young woman?

Jordy McAllen has just returned to Scotland after his education in London. Though he has accomplished a lot for a farm lad such as himself, he fears that what everyone has always said about him may be true: he won’t really make a good doctor. Determined to prove himself, Jordy snatches up the opportunity to become the doctor in the village of Keefmore near his parents’ farm.

Helping Jordy with his work at Keefmore seems like the perfect opportunity for Ivy. Still, she doubts herself. Is there a purpose to Ivy’s life?

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J2VYVYJ?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420

About the Author

Kellyn Roth lives on an Eastern Oregon ranch with her parents, little brothers, border collies, cats, and a few dozen cows and chickens. Always a lover of a good story, and especially of telling one, she’s been writing since she was seven and published her first novel at fourteen. Now a homeschool grad, she divides her time between penning her next Christian historical novel, creating professionally silly articles at kellynroth.blog, and her actual life. Actual life plays second fiddle sometimes, though.

Find out more on her website: https://kellynrothauthor.com/


Enter the giveaway to win a signed paperback copy of Beyond Her Calling!

Author Interview

Good morning and welcome to my blog! I’m excited to have you here and hope you have some fun with these questions. Since this blog is about and for writers, most of the questions will be about writing with a few optional, fun questions at the end.

Sounds good! Thanks for having me!

1. What is your writing process? Do you outline before you start?

I always outline before I start writing. Usually I end up with a notebook full of notes, research, character work, etc.

I actually enjoy writing and outlining best; I'm not a huge fan of editing, which always seems to drag on a ridiculously long time! That's why my editor has such a hard job. :P

2. How do you develop your characters? Do you use images found online, a Pinterest board, character sketches, or develop them as you write?

Well, it's really hard to describe because I feel like I do it a bit differently every time. But I definitely spend the most time on my characters! I write up backstories and ramble about them in my notebook for pages and pages. I sometimes will use a form, but more often than not I'll just write my ideas for them down freehand.

I have Pinterest boards for all my novels, but I don't always find the perfect images for characters - and I don't necessarily need to. The way they look is pretty well-defined in my head, and I'm not an super visual person anyway.

3. What is your best advice for getting rid of writer’s block?

Make yourself write. If writing is going to be your job, you have to learn to write even when you don't feel like it. You don't not do job is you're tired or don't want to; same goes for writing.

And sure, writing is a form of art ... but it's also your job. So do your job! It may not come easily, and the words may be trash, but if you write even when you don't want to, you'll eventually teach yourself to write no matter what.

4. If you could share one piece of advice that you wish someone else had told you to an aspiring writer, what would it be?

Get in contact with other writers who are where you want to be!

I was stuck with people who were at my level or below for ages, and it didn't help me grow. I'm not saying be a snob; I'm just saying ALSO make friends with people who are experts in your chosen field and ask for their advice.

5. What is your favorite genre?

Historical, of course! :D

Fun (optional) questions:

Pizza or Pasta?

Pasta! I don't like tomatoes. ;)

Favorite movie?

Three-way tie between Vertigo, Gone with the Wind, and Pride and Prejudice (2005).

Favorite Bible verse?

Psalm 8! That's not one verse, but ... choosing one is  too hard!

Coffee, tea, or water?

Coffee! Though with cream and sugar.

Favorite movie adaptation?

The Keira Knightley (2005) Pride and Prejudice. It just captures the book so perfectly! I love it.
Thanks, Faith!

Tour Schedule

Saturday, October 20th

Author Interview // Molly @ A Sparkle of Light
Review // Lisa @ Inkwell
Review & Character Interview (Jordy) // Amie @ Crazy A
Character Interview (Ivy) // Jo @ The Lens and the Hard Drive
Book Spotlight // Annie @ Letters from Annie Douglass Lima

Sunday, October 21st

Guest Post by Character (Ivy) & Review // Grace M. Morris
Book Spotlight // Erika Messer @ Maiden of the Pages
Author Interview // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Monday, October 22nd

Character Interview (Ivy) // Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing
Review // Andrea Cox @ Writing to Inspire
Character Interview (Jordy) // Liz @ Home with the Hummingbirds
Author & Character Interview (Violet) // Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review & Character Spotlight (Ivy) // Caroline Kloster @ Inside the Autistic Life

Tuesday, October 23rd

Author Interview // Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations
Review & Guest Post // Cara @ Jessie Bingham
Guest Post // Lindsi @ One Beginner To Another
Character Spotlight (Ena) // Shannon McDermott @ Shannon’s Blog

Wednesday, October 24th

Guest Post // Germaine Han @ The Writing Mafia
Review // Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

Thursday, October 25th

Book Spotlight // Gabriellyn Gidman @ PageTurners
Author Interview // Sara Willoughby @ Th!nk Magazine
Review // Michaela Bush @ Tangled Up In Writing
Guest Post by Character (Violet) // Peggy M. McAloon @ Peggy’s Hope 4U

Friday, October 26th

Review // Abigail McKenna @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Review // Gracelyn Buckner @ Literatura
Review // Bella Putt

Saturday, October 27th

Character Interview & Spotlight (Jordy) // Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind of Writes
Book Spotlight // Abigail Harder @ Books, Life, and Christ


  1. Lovely interview! Thanks for sharing, Kellyn and Faith!



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